Sunday, April 6, 2014

Nepal VISA application

Among the many items listed as TO DO before departure, applying for a VISA in order to be provided with an authorization to enter Nepal, was one of the priorities.

Something I did not know, but turns out to be crucial, throughout the VISA application process, is the need to hold a passport which expire 6 months after the return date. Taking into account that the passport must be sent together with the application to the Nepal Consulate...

Good news, I just received my newly printed passport, valid until 2019!
Pretty fast, only 5 days and voilà!

Next step, finding what, where and when to apply for the Nepal VISA.

What: a Tourism VISA valid for the duration of my stay in Nepal (8-10 weeks)
there are 3 options:
1 to 1 5 days (33 euros)
16 to 30 days (48 euros)
31 to 90 days (108 euros)

Where: Well, I was first informed to send my application to the Nepal Consulate by mail. After exchanging with various people on the subject, someone outlined that it was also possible to simply apply for the VISA upon my arrival at the Katmandu airport.

This will definitively facilitate my planning as I also need to mail my passport to the India Consulate and consequently, would run out of time. The problem is that in both cases, the validation of the VISA starts upon its approval by the responsible authorities and not based on travel dates.

When: upon my arrival at the Katmandu airport.

As a reminder, I need to fill and print the online application form, purchase regular passport photos and insure I have sufficient money (cash $) with me when arriving in Katmandu.

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